Redlands Community Hospital is one of the few remaining capitated hospitals in the state of California and because of this we are a delegated payer for services deemed to be our financial responsibility via our contracts with certain Health Plans for selected product lines.
In the event that the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) or Weekly Status Report (OSR) doesn’t provide you with sufficient information on a particular claim, please contact our Customer Service Department.
Customer Service Line: 909.335.6462; Monday - Friday, 8 am-12 pm.
If you are calling after hours or reach our voicemail during regular business hours, please leave a message with the following information on our confidential phone line and your call will be returned within 48 hours.
You may also fax over your request with the above listed information 909.335.6496 or email us at Claims_Status@redlandshospital.org
Please send all claims to:
Redlands Community Hospital
Attn: Managed Care Dept.
PO BOX 3391
Redlands, CA 92373
We thank you for working with us as we strive to provide excellent and high quality service!